Show up for Jesus Sunday
February 9th - 2025
Show | Invite | Learn | Serve | Encourage | Fellowship | Worship
Show up for Jesus...Start the day by wearing your Sunday best! Guys: dressy shirts, ties, sweater or jackets! Ladies: dressy pants, skirt, or a dress. Hats, dressy all get the idea.... Be sure to stop by our photo booth and capture a photo with your group of friends or a special loved one (located in Trinity Hall)
Invite like Jesus...Just like Jesus, invite. Invite someone to spend the morning with you!
Learn like Jesus...check out a discipleship class - 9 am
Encourage like Jesus...please share with someone a hand written or typed scripture of encouragement (hand it to them or place in their mailbox).
Serve like sure to stop in Barclay Hall between 9:30 am - 10:30 am Sandwich making party for those in need. (peanut butter & jelly) If your last name begins with...A-F - please bring a loaf of bread (morning of) G-N - a jar of peanut butter | O-Z - a jar of jelly
Fellowship like Jesus...9:45 am to 10:30 am - Strolling breakfast! Stroll & Connect with friends in the coffee area. Pick up some light breakfast and coffe.
Worship like Jesus...10:30 am - Special worship service.